Street Scene, Havana, Cuba – Photo of the Day

How you can participate in the Photo of the Day
HAVANA TIMES – You don’t have to be a professional photographer, just send a picture (in black and white or color), that you consider with quality to be published. Indicate where it was taken (city and country), type of camera or cell phone you used and a short description of it.
For our format it is better that the photos are of horizontal orientation, since we have problems with verticals when they are on the cover.
Send us your name and country of residence to this email address: [email protected]
The creation of a library of Cuban Street scene photographs is a fantastic project! It will leave a wonderful legacy for future generations and will help them visualise the sheer beauty of the island and the Cuban way of life, regardless of what the future holds. Bravo!
Nice photograph which captures the ambience of Trinidad.