Stones against Tanks: On US Interventionism

Luis Miguel del Bahia

Thinking in Havana. Photo: Juan Suarez

HAVANA TIMES — Just about any extreme measure was justified within the context of the Second World War and the Cold War. At the time, geopolitical interests in Europe, Africa and Asia were still being defined. Both the Soviet Union and the United States did what they had to do to swell their ranks.

In 1991, the The Belavezha Accords officially put an end to this era. Capitalism spread across the world and, with the exception of two or three nations, all became allies.

Until that moment, the world looked to the United States as the leader of the Western world and a champion of democracy and civil liberties. Today, the veil has been lifted and this image of the USA is deteriorating at breakneck speed.

From 91 on, the United States has intervened in countries that pose no danger to the all-powerful Western bloc, with and without the consent of the United Nations (whom they invoke at their convenience), and without there being an Axis of Evil lurking somewhere (as it would have us believe).

When the United States invaded Iraq, former Spanish President Jose Maria Aznar addressed the people to explain to them the need to support NATO, referring to the existence of nuclear weapons in the former land of Mesopotamia. Years later, he would be forced to admit that no such weapons ever existed.

Today, the unworthy Nobel Peace Prize laureate says he has seen no proof that the Syrian army is using chemical weapons. However, he is determined to send the BOTS over. Apparently, as happened in Japan in 45, they want to test a new toy in a real war scenario.

In the 40 years that tyrant Gadhafi was in power, he must have crushed a good number of popular uprisings. However, it was only the last one that convinced the West he was a dictator. Now, Syria has something worse in store: the US Army in front of a screen, killing people as though in a game.

The Egyptian army is opening fire on civilians with live munitions and breaking up rallies at public squares with brute force. But, when Israel seeks to strengthen its position in the region, no one speaks of tyranny or the abuse of power. They leave them be, so they can take care of their problems without any interference.

I also want to see the Middle East westernized, but you can’t do this by dropping bombs on people. When the smoke clears and the drones in the sky fly away, the mosques will open their doors again.

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