What’s a Symphony? Who was Mozart?

By Nike

HAVANA TIMES – I would like to tell you about a show that classical music radio station, CMBF, broadcasts every Sunday at 9:30 AM, and it is called SABES TU? (Do you know?).

It is for children, to bring them closer to classical music, so that they can understand it better; it is hosted and animated by children, who play different characters, all of whom are linked to music.

For example: Melodia, played by a girl called Jennifer; Curioso, by Abdiel, and Batuta, by Meilin; there is also Desafinacion; positive and negative characters to make it more entertaining. 

It is an educational program and every Sunday, they talk about a musician from the moment they are born, their achievements, composition, and where they performed their music for the first time, the date and place. Everything about a musician who the program is dedicated to, also appearing as one of the characters in many episodes.

When it starts, the children ask these questions:

Do you know what a symphony is? Do you know who Mozart was? “Knowing music is like reaching the stars.” This past Sunday, the program was dedicated to the great German musician Johann Sebastian Bach and his children.

Between guessing games, conversations, information and quality music, we are able to appreciate the good educational intention of these writers, directors and music expertise from the talented musician Juan Pinera, a defender of Cuban music, who I personally admire a great deal. The script is written by Ernesto Guerra.

It’s a great program for children and I recommend it for your young children; who knows, maybe it awakens a vocation within them, and you discover you have a little musician in your family.

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