The Caricatures of Luis Pereira

By Helson Hernandez

Luis Pereira

HAVANA TIMES — In Old Havana, caricaturist Luis Pereira captures the faces of common and famous people passing through the old town, a trade that has opened the doors to important galleries in the city.

HT: When did you discover your talent for drawing people’s faces?

Luis Pereira: Even though it’s hard to believe and it may strike you as a typical answer, I recall that I discovered an irresistible desire to put things on paper – images and people’s faces – when I was a kid.

HT: Have you always been a caricaturist, or did you do something else before?

LP: I’ve been doing this since I was 17. It’s always been my profession. Let’s say that drawing caricatures has been my livelihood.

HT: What are the main features one should focus on to draw caricatures?

LP: The eyes and nose, and a person’s common gestures, are the fundamental elements of a caricature.

HT: Have you noticed a particularly common emotion in the faces of the people you draw in Cuba today?

LP: I usually see surprise, laughter, thankfulness, even praise. A good sense of humor is part of the character of Cubans.

HT: Your work as a caricaturist has also been exhibited at important galleries.

LP: After many years of doing caricatures out on the street, I was able to mount an exhibition of my work at the Her Car gallery in Arroyo Naranjo, Havana, last month, and, on November 20, I will open a new exhibition at the Metropolitana, located in the Focsa building, at the intersection of N and 17 streets. The works will be on display for a month, until December 20.

HT: What personalities have you drawn?

LP: Cuban folk musician Silvio Rodriguez and Maria Celesta, from Univision. During the Pope’s visit, I also drew singer Alvaro Torres, US actress Angelina Jolie, salsa musician Isaac Delgado and other well-known foreign actors who visited Havana, who I was able to see up close and draw.

HT: Where can people who want to see your caricatures go to in Havana?

LP: They can find me at the Plaza de la Catedral, in front of the renowned Bodeguita del Medio, in Old Havana. There I am, bringing to life the faces of those who wish to be immortalized as a caricature.

Here are some more examples of Luis Pereira’s work.

Click on the thumbnails below to view all the photos in this gallery. On your PC or laptop, you can use the directional arrows on the keyboard to move within the gallery. On cell phones use the keys on the screen.

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