Birds of the Sea, Santa Clara, Cuba – Photo of the Day

Birds of the Sea, Santa Clara, Cuba. By: Meyvis Rega (Cuba). Camera: Samsung cellphone

HAVANA TIMES – Some photos make us laugh, feel emotions, remember a trip, or a special moment with friends. Others show that the person who took them has taken photography seriously. Photos of animals, architecture, people. Conceptual, abstract photos.

There may be those who have never left their city or hometown, but they also have images of those small details they want to share with the rest of Havana Times’ readers.

Whether you’re in Beijing, São Paulo, Costa Rica, or New York, it doesn’t matter where you took your photos—show them and prove that we all have a photographer inside us.

Just send it to with the following information:

  • Title of your photo
  • Your name and the city where you live
  • The brand of the camera or cell phone you used to take the photo
  • The city and country where you took your photo

To see the photos of all the previous days click here.

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