Dolores Huerta Speaks Out on Cuban Five

By Circles Robinson

Dolores Huerta. Photo by Bill Hackwell

HAVANA TIMES, Oct. 21— The Cuban Five are heroes in their country but in the US, where they have been imprisoned for over 12 years, most people are still totally unaware of their case.

Now, “a series of YouTubes with US personalities are being made to reach out to a wider audience,” informs the International Committee that is seeking their release. One of the first people to speak out on video is Dolores Huerta.

Since the Elian Gonzalez case, trying to obtain the freedom of the Cuban Five has been the most important international cause of the Cuban government over the last decade.

To watch the new YouTube of Dolores Huerta click here:

“Dolores Huerta, was a co-founder, along with Cesar Chávez, of the United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO “UFW”.  Currently she is the President of the Dolores Huerta Foundation.

“In 1993 she was inducted into the Hall of Fame of women of the nation. She has received multiple awards for her tireless work as a leader and activist in the fight for human dignity,” notes the International Committee.

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