René González attends Gala Against Homophobia

Rene Gonzalez (l) and Mariela Castro at the gala against homophobia. Photo:

HAVANA TIMES — Agent Rene Gonzalez, considered a Hero of the Republic of Cuba, attended the Gala Against Homophobia held Saturday at Havana’s Karl Marx theater.

Gonzalez, the only released member of the Cuban Five, received on behalf of the group a special recognition given by Mariela Castro Espín, director of the National Sexual Education Center (CENESEX).

“We’re here fighting a battle against behaviors that have made many people suffer. Suffering for not having freedom unites us. We must eliminate all forms of discrimination and lack of freedom,” he told the predominantly LGBT audience.

Since its inception the Campaign Against Homophobia has expressed its support for the release and return of the five Cuban agents; four of them still remain in US prisons.

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