Cuba’s Mandatory Draft for Young Men

Cover design: Janet Aguilar

By Xel2 (El Toque)

HAVANA TIMES – This week we have drawn on the mandatory Military Service for young Cuban men. Once again the issue became the center of debate on social networks, after the explosion at the Matanzas Supertanker Base.

There are many who have questioned that inexperienced young people from the draft were sent to the disaster site to mitigate the largest fire in our recent history.

As a result of this disaster, today we mourn the disappearance of several recruits and the confirmed death of at least one of them, according to information provided by government reporters.

In the state media, 14 missing persons are still reported, without their names and ages being revealed yet.

Because of them, many people publish on the hashtag #NoAlServicioMilitarObligatorio on social networks demanding the compulsory nature of military service be eliminated.

Situations like these generate legitimate questions from society and it is up to those responsible to intervene in the debate and provide answers that are up to the task.

[Editor’s Note: Young recruits were also handed large baseball bat sized sticks and ordered to attack peaceful protestors during the protests of July 11, 2021.]

Greetings and happy Sunday,

Wimar Verdecia Fuentes

I’m not going to let my son be drafted!
Summons to the draft board. …You are going to make a man out of me., so what am I now… an ameba?
Obligatory Military Service (SMO)
NO to the draft

Cuba’s Obligatory Military Service (SMO)

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