The Opportunity, Caracas, Venezuela – Photo of the Day

The Opportunity, Caracas, Venezuela. By Carlos Javier (Uruguay). Camera: Nikon D90

HAVANA TIMES – A picture is worth a thousand words. For many this is just one of those phrases that is not totally true. The bloggers of Havana Times, with their diaries, almost show that words can say more than an image.

We invite readers to send us your photos, those you have saved from your last vacations or previous photographic walks. It doesn’t matter where they were taken.

Send us your name, country of residence and place where you took your photo. Tell us what kind of camera or cell phone you made it with, and what title you would like to give it.

Send to this address:

Send us one of your favorite pictures to share.

Portraits, landscapes, street photography, press photography, whatever you prefer.

Express yourself in Havana Times.

To see the photos of the previous days select here.

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