Ecuador Elections Still in Limbo

Lenin Moreno

HAVANA TIMES – Results in the presidential elections in Ecuador on Sunday are still inconclusive.  With 87.5 % of the votes counted at 6:30 a.m. local time, the government coalition candidate Lenin Moreno was ahead with 39.09% of the vote over his closest rival Guillermo Lasso with 28.28%.

If Moreno ends up with 40% of the vote and a 10% advantage over Lasso he would win the elections on the first round.  If not there will be a runoff on April 2nd to elect the successor of Rafael Correa who will leave office in May.

Cynthia Viteri, of the Partido Social Cristiano (PSC), was running third with just over 16% of the vote and Paco Montoya of the Democratic Left was fourth with just under 7%.

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