HT Photo Contest: One Month Left

Photo: Caridad

HAVANA TIMES — The 4th HT Cuba Photo Contest will close for entries on September 15th.  To date we have received submissions from 34 persons for some or all of the five categories.

The contest is open to both professional and amateur photographers from Cuba and around the world. Here is the important information for participating. Don’t hesitate to write if you have any further questions.

HT Announces Cuba Photo Contest 2012

The time has come to begin our HT Cuba Photo Contest for the year 2012. This is the fourth such contest, one for each year of HT.

The contest is open to both professional and amateur photographers.

There are five categories and each carries with it a First Prize of US $75. There will also be two special mentions per category.

All finalists and semifinalists’ photos will be published and prominently displayed by HT.

Here are the five categories for photos taken in Cuba:

1) TREES, any and all types of tree photographed on the island

2) GAMES, anything from dominoes to basketball to marbles, hop scotch, baseball, etc.

3) UNIFORMS, any type of uniform used on the island.

4) PETS, of any kind in Cuba.

5) MUSICIANS, any Cuban amateur or professional musician/s.

Each entering photographer can send a maximum of three photos in each category.

Photos must be 250 kb or smaller.  All larger photos will not be accepted. Send the photos in attached individual .jpg files.

Each photo should have a short caption as its title.

A Havana Times jury of at least 20 photographers, writers, translators and guest readers will judge the photos.

In sending us your photos, as a condition you will be giving Havana Times the right to use them in our online publication with your respective by-line and in the social networks where HT has a presence.

The deadline for submitting photos is September 15, 2012.  We will announce the winners by October 31, 2012.  To submit photographs or for more information write:

See the results of the First, Second and Third HT Cuba Photo Contests:  200920102011

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