Mexico 4th Nation with 100,000 Covid-19 Deaths

By Democracy Now

Photo: Democracy Now

HAVANA TIMES – Mexico has become the fourth nation to pass 100,000 COVID-19 deaths, following Brazil, India and the United States.

In Honduras, tens of thousands of people who fled Hurricanes Iota and Eta have packed overcrowded storm shelters, raising fears of a spike of new infections.

Across Europe, hospitals report a shortage of both ICU beds and healthy doctors and nurses to staff them, amid signs that a second wave of COVID-19 is finally slowing due to public health measures that were reintroduced beginning in October.

In South Australia, officials have lifted a strict coronavirus lockdown three days early, after they determined a man who became infected lied to contact tracers, raising unfounded fears of a highly contagious strain of the virus. Australia has nearly eradicated COVID-19, with only a handful of cases reported in recent weeks.

Meanwhile the World Health Organization is advising doctors not to administer the anti-viral drug Remdesivir to COVID-19 patients, after concluding it has no meaningful effect on mortality or recovery times.

Read more news from Latin America here on Havana Times.

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