Sunrise at Lake Malawi – Photo of the Day

Sunrise at Lake Malawi. By Dennis Murphy (USA). Camera: Canon T6 Rebel


HAVANA TIMES – Gone are the dark months of travel restrictions due to the pandemic. It seems like a good time for you to go out and share with us your best pictures for our Photo of the Day section.

A cat, a bird, the shadow of a building, the perfect combination of colors, a smile, a beautiful landscape, your book or your favorite vase of flowers. All these photographs call our attention.

Cities, fields, seascapes; Havana, New York, Montreal, Buenos Aires, Brasilia, Berlin, Montevideo, Tokyo, Paris, Bogotá, Prague, Santo Domingo, Cairo, Athens, Jakarta or Rome, Beirut or Kathmandu, we are interested in all cities, all people from London or Warsaw, from Stockholm or Mogadishu, from Hanoi, Caracas or the Vatican. We welcome all your photos.

Just send us your name and country of residence, the place where you took the photo and with what camera or cell phone to

Send us one of your favorite pictures to share.

Portraits, landscapes, street photography, press photography, whatever you prefer.

Express yourself in Havana Times.

To see the photos of the previous days select here.

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