Unwind Your Film Cartridge, Havana Times 13th Photo Contest

YESTERDAY’S RAIN, photo by Leandro Valdes, Second Prize Winner in Havana Times first photo contest in 2009

Here’s how you can participate:

Sign of the Times, Gardens, Disguises, Innovations, Lines and Curves, Fences and Doors are the categories.

Recognitions: All semifinalist and finalist photos will be published and prominently displayed for several days by Havana Times and remain available to readers. Once again, this year we are unable to offer cash prizes. However, the winners and special mentions will each receive an attractive certificate for their achievement.

1.– Professional and amateur photographers of all ages and nationalities may participate.

2.– The photos must have been taken anywhere in Latin America or the Caribbean.  It doesn’t matter when they were taken.

3.– The photographs must be entered under the following categories:  Sign of the Times, Gardens, Disguises, Innovations, Lines & Curves, Fences & Doors.

A maximum of three pictures can be sent for each category.  There is no minimum.

4.– Photos must be sent in attachments in jpg format with the longest edge no greater than 1080 pixels or a maximum weight of 500 kb. They may be horizontal, vertical, or square. There should be no water marks or credits imbedded on the photos.  If you have any questions on this, please ask.

5.– Number the photos within each category.  For example: Innovations 1, Innovations 2, and Innovations 3.   Disguises 1, Disguises 2, Disguises 3, etc.  And separately in a text document send us a short caption for each photo.

6.– Sending us your pictures: Photographs should be sent as attachments. To submit photos send them to our contest curator Axel Saenz at: HavanaTimesPhotoContest@gmail.com   with a copy to circlesrobinson@gmail.com

7.– The deadline for submissions is September 15, 2024

8.– During the selection process Havana Times will publish the semifinalists, finalists, and winning images.

9.– Participation in the contest implies acceptance by the author that the photos submitted will be included in the archives of HT and may be used in Havana Times and the social networks where HT is present (with due credit to the author).

10.– Prizes: The certificates to the winners and special mentions will be sent via email or on a cloud drive or both, depending on the wishes of the person.

11.– Contest winners will be announced on or before November, 15, 2024, through HT. This decision is final.

12.– Participation in the competition implies acceptance of each and every one of the rules. HT is empowered to resolve any contingency not provided for in the Rules.

13.– THE JURY will be composed of 15-20 members, including photographers, writers, and Havana Times guest readers from several different countries.

For any questions or for more information contact: Axel Saenz at: HavanaTimesPhotoContest@gmail.com


For those of you that would like to see the winners from previous years:

2023  2019  2018  2017  2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010  2009

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