Curious Differences between Cubans

By Nike

HAVANA TIMES — For a while now, the difference between Cubans who have been living here ever since they were born and haven’t gone anywhere other than to their work and their children’s school and those who live outside Cuba has caught my attention.

Cubans who live here are pessimistic, bitter, they only talk about diseases and hospitals. Plus, they only see the bad side of situations and never the good, which even if there is a good side, they look hard for something negative and they rub it in like a victory, as well as arguing about everything and always playing devil’s advocate no matter what the subject.

They are hypochondriacs and they are always complaining about everything and criticizing everything without ever seeing the good things life has to offer. (This without generalizing)

However, Cubans who come from abroad are full of light, joy, they are positive, filled with optimism, clear-headed and wanting to help, to please and to make the loved ones they left behind in Cuba happy.

What do you think?

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