Looking Over the Wall from Havana

Luis Miguel del Bahía

HAVANA TIMES — It may just be how the victors portray things, or West Germany may have actually been a bastion of freedom and a bright-colored world. Footage from the time shows East Germans enthralled by everything that took place on the other side of the wall.

If we discard the first hypothesis, we would have to ask ourselves whether things in the east were so gray and whether the west was actually a paradigm of freedom. Today, I feel the opposite of what I once felt and think of Havana as something similar to East Berlin.

Countries that present themselves as champions of democracy and civil liberties invalidate their own discourses with their own political praxis.

The two sides of the wall. Ilustration by Manuel Herrera

When I look over the wall at the West today, I see a panorama that is completely gray, a place where, in the best of cases, capitalist exploitation and the consumption of material goods prevails and anything that threatens the machinery is suppressed. As a lover of philosophy, I couldn’t be more opposed to this situation.

In the worst of cases, it is a world characterized by evictions, the monitoring of citizens, the repression of political rallies, the violation of inalienable rights and other abuses. Hell, it’s the spitting image of what was East of the Wall.

How could the West turn into the very thing it once combatted?

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