Polymita (Cuban Painted Snail), Villa Clara, Cuba – Photo of the Day

Polymita (Cuban Painted Snail), Villa Clara, Cuba. By Mayvis Rega (Cuba). Camera: Samsung cellphone


HAVANA TIMES – Our Photo of the Day section is interested not only in photos taken in Havana, Matanzas, Pinar del Río, Granma or Santiago de Cuba. We are not looking only for Cuban portraits or landscapes. We want to publish your photos of the cities and countryside’s of Nicaragua, Venezuela, the United States, Japan, France, Turkey, Chile, Paraguay, Brazil, Cyprus or Viet Nam. We like diversity.

We also know that there are Cubans in every city on this planet, and we would like you to tell us, with images, your day to day outside of Cuba. It doesn’t matter if you have not studied photography, we all carry an artist inside. Don’t you think?

Just send us your name and country of residence, the place where you took the photo and with what camera or cell phone to yordaguer@gmail.com

They can be portraits, landscapes, street photography, press photography, whatever you prefer.

Express yourself in Havana Times.

To see the photos of all the previous days click here.

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