Help Beginning to Come to Mercedes

Erasmo Calzadilla


HAVANA TIMES — A few months ago I interviewed a young woman who has a disability and is battling alone in her life. Mercedes suffered paralysis in her legs due to a fever she had when she was a child. Ever since then she has struggled to avoid being left bedridden.

To cap this all off, her family and economic situation is dismal. She lives with her son in the room of a house that they share with 16 relatives.

Moved by the story of her troubles, many people have reached out. A friend who lives in Chile is going to help by sending orthopedic shoes (almost impossible to get here in Cuba). Irina, another writer with Havana Times, aims to teach her the art of Ariadne that she has mastered, and other people have offered Mercedes money (which is something I want to concentrate on).

Isidro, a regular commentator to Havana Times and who lives in China, found and employed a way to send her cash. Those interested in doing the same can contact her by email at: [email protected]

He advanced 100 CUCs (about $110 USD) from out of his pocket thinking that others would follow in his footsteps – but no one did. Mercedes needs waaaaay more help to get herself out of the hole she’s in, though the 100 CUCs have been a godsend. She took such care of not to brake the bill out of the fear that once tuned into change it would disappear like meringue pie in a school.

In conclusion, I want to emphasize that those who wish to collaborate with cash can contact Isidro for the details.

Erasmo Calzadilla

Erasmo Calzadilla: I find it difficult to introduce myself in public. I've tried many times but it doesn’t flow. I’m more less how I appear in my posts, add some unpresentable qualities and stir; that should do for a first approach. If you want to dig a little deeper, ask me for an appointment and wait for a reply.