Freedom Schooner Amistad in Cuba

Freedom Schooner Amistad press photo.

HAVANA TIMES, March 23 – The Freedom Schooner Amistad arrived Monday in the port of Matanzas, some 100 kilometers east of the Cuban capital, on its last leg of a tour of the Caribbean to commemorate the abolition of slavery, reported the local press.

The vessel is a replica of a similar one that left in 1839 from the port of Matanzas with a shipment of slaves, who rebelled and finally obtained their freedom by decision of the US Supreme Court, reported IPS.

2 thoughts on “Freedom Schooner Amistad in Cuba

  • A nice piece of historical symbolism. I doubt very much that it will make much if any news in the bourgeois mass-media. But that’s not news to anyone reading this, I’m sure.

  • I will be there arriving with father tommorrow..We live in Matanzas This is our story vs His- story and his lies

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