Cuba Long Life Congress Photos

Photo: Jorge Luis Baños/IPS

Photos by Jorge Luis Baños/IPS

HAVANA TIMES, May 28 — The closing of the 9th International Congress for Satisfactory Longevity took place on Friday at the Hotel Nacional in the Cuban capital.  Friends of Danzón delighted the old timers and experts on the final day.

Eugenio Selman, president of the event organizing committee said that among the fundamental factors that lead to “active longevity” are motivation, a good diet, health, physical and cultural activity and a proper living environment.

Cuba cuenta en la actualidad con mil 551 personas que superan los 100 años de edad, en una población de 11,2 millones de habitantes.

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One thought on “Cuba Long Life Congress Photos

  • no matter the country the issues for aging are similar… we need to have a purpose to each and every day, a good routine, a focus on a healthy diet, exercise and I think giving back..

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