Cuba Hopes for More Coffee Beans

HAVANA TIMES, August 6 — Cuba’s coffee harvest for the 2010-2011 cycle should be between 20 and 25 percent higher than the poor showing last year, said Ramon Frometa Ordunez, a deputy minister of agriculture, reported IPS.

Higher international prices and the delivery of state land to individual private and cooperative hands are considered the chief reasons for a better harvest.

Last season was the worst coffee harvest in over a half century and combined with the worst sugar harvest in over a century in the struggling Cuban agriculture.

One thought on “Cuba Hopes for More Coffee Beans

  • How about getting some of that coffee (preferably from a cooperative) and sending it to me in California? Also tell me how brew it…it comes out strong and sweet! The best I ever tasted, or was I just blissed out in Cuba?

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