Fidel Castro to Make New Book Presentation

HAVANA TIMES, March 12 — The book Nuestro deber es luchar (Our Duty Is to Fight), by ex-Cuban president Fidel Castro, will be released simultaneously next Wednesday in cities around the world, reported the Prensa Latina news agency.

Havana, Caracas, Quito, Buenos Aires, Luanda, Santo Domingo, La Paz, Mexico City, Bridgetown, San Juan, Kingston, Washington, Madrid and Berlin are the cities that will feature the event.

The academic Atilio Boron in Argentina, and Cuban-American attorney Jose Pertierra in the US, stand out among the panelists participating in the presentation.

The volume is the result of talks on current issues held between the Cuban leader and intellectuals from the Americas, Africa and Europe in February during the Havana International Book Fair.


2 thoughts on “Fidel Castro to Make New Book Presentation

  • Let’s show some solidarity. If Cubans in Cuba cannot use Kindle etc., we should also refuse to use it.
    Did Hugo Chavez think of Cuban followers when he tweeted from Cuba.

  • Is the book being, or is it going to be released digitally, so that readers might purchase it cheaply for such devices as Kindle and Nook? Will an English edition be published?

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