Year End Weather in Havana (Dec. 25-31)

Some rain and mild temperatures

Eduardo A. Fernández Díaz

Feliz-Año-NuevoHAVANA TIMES – On Thursday and Friday there will be rainfall associated with the passage of a cold front throughout the country. The rains will be more intense on Thursday, on Friday they will be only scattered. Then there will be excellent weather as we will be under the influence of a high pressure system. Although temperatures will be pleasant, the wind effect will bring a feeling of coolness. The temperature is expected to rise starting Tuesday.

In short, this week we will have some rain on Thursday and Friday and then a great time with pleasant temperatures.

The maximum temperature will run between 23° C (75° F) and 28° C (82° F) and 24° C and (75° F). The lows run between 18° C (64° F) and 23° C (75° F).

The sea surface temperature will reach 23 ° C (73 F).

I wish you a happy new year and all my colleagues in Havana Times.

Weekly Forecast valid from Wednesday December 24

lluviasThursday December 25 max 23° C (73° F) min 19° C (66° F)
showers, December 26 max 24° C (75° F) min 18° C (64° F)
scattered showers

weather-clearSaturday December 27 max 26° C (79° F) min 18° C (64° F)

weather-clearSunday December 28 max 26° C (79° F) min 21° C (70° F)

weather-clearMonday, December 29 max 26° C (79° F) min 22° C (72° F)

parcialmente-nubladoTuesday, December 30 max 26° C (79° F) min 23° C (73° F)
Partly cloudy

parcialmente-nubladoWednesday December 31 max 28 (82° F) ° min 23° C (73° F)
Partly cloudy