Chess Players, Havana – Photo of the Day

Have you already participated in our Photo of the Day section?
HAVANA TIMES – Well, it doesn’t matter. You can share your pictures again. You don’t have to be a professional, and the photo doesn’t have to be taken in Cuba.

Just send a photograph (in B&W or color), that you consider of publishing quality. Remember, it is only for internet use.
Include the following information: Name, country of residence and where you took the picture (city and country). Also mention the type of camera or cellphone you used. Likewise, give us a title or short description of the photo.
This is our email for sending the photos: [email protected]
If you would like to see the photos of past days click here
For people that complain about not enough food Cubans do seem to have lots of time for games and dancing. If Cubans would devote even 10% of the time they lose playing games, sleeping on sidewalks, whistling at women, etc., they could grow small gardens to augment their diet. I don’t see ample news of Cubans anywhere working on gardens, they prefer to wait for the remittances and to complain that there is nothing to eat. Even if the Castro regime one day falls Cuba has a large mass of people that will simply not work.