Cuba LGBT Project Launches Newsletter

HAVANA TIMES — The Proyecto Arcoiris (Rainbow Project) has begun circulating by email its first digital newsletter. Called Ahi te va (There you go), it is dedicated to providing information on sexual orientation and gender identity in Cuba and the world, as well as news about the struggle against gender discrimination.
In its presentation, the magazine points out two articles in the Cuban constitution that are hoped will shelter this initiative: one which proscribes and punishes discrimination of all kinds, and another that recognizes the freedom of speech and press for citizens of the island.
This first issue of the newsletter covers two key events for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual activism: A kiss-in that was promoted by the group this past June, and discussions between Cuban activists concerning homophobic and discriminatory elements within the current Population and Housing Census.
According to information the editors of Ahi te va provided to Havana Times, so far the material put out by the young collective — which calls itself “independent and anti-capitalist”— has been greeted by 477 subscribers, a number that is expected to increase.