Varadero, Cuba Night Club – Photo of the Day

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HAVANA TIMES – You don’t have to be a professional photographer, just send an image (in black and white or color), with a photo caption indicating where it was taken (city and country), type of camera or cell you used, and a small description about it.
Note: it is better for our format if you send horizontal orientation pictures. Even square will work but vertical is a problem.
Send your picture with your name and birth country, or where you reside, to this email address: [email protected] Also send a copy to [email protected].
Ruben Alberto, Please be more accurate with your facts .. . Mr. Irenee DuPont an American, was born in Delaware USA and built the Xanadu mansion @ a cost of $2 million USD back during the US Great Depression. Dupont also installed the first golf course in Cuba during the 1930s next to his mansion. .. Also the Inglaterra Hotel is in Havana near the Hotel Nacional. I have stayed in both hotels many years ago.
There are many places to see in Cuba. One of the many best Hotel in Cuba is the Inglaterra, and one of many mansions scattered in Cuba is the most expensive to be built in 1933 it costs $33,0000.00 million dollars Xanadu the french millionaire lived there DuPont…