Reforms Are the Solution in Cuba, Not the Revolution

Havana photo by Juan Suarez

By Benjamin Noria

HAVANA TIMES – Reform means fixing or improving something that is wrong, unsatisfactory, or affected by corruption and malpractice. Reform is different from Revolution, which is a radical change. A reform seeks to improve the system in question, while continuing with it; meanwhile, radical groups try to promote total and extreme changes when they seek changes in a system, by overthrowing the government and the ruling elite in charge.

Perhaps many naive realists in Cuba can’t believe that the Government has known, for years now, what the solution is to fix economic matters on the island. The thing is, though, none of these solutions are in their best interests, since they would mean losing their privileges. They hold onto the discourse that the Revolution and socialism are the only path towards victory.

Ever since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the Cuban Government has been improvising measures to revive the economy and has copied economic models from other countries.

Economic transformations began after the IV Communist Party Congress, which took place in 1991, but they have been fruitless. The strategies we’ve heard them talk about the most to pick up the economy are, for example, the Party’s 100 Guidelines, the Che Guevara Operation that involved cutting down fruit trees to plant sugar cane in the 1980s, the Energy Revolution, the Battle of Ideas, and the 2021 Economic Reordering Reforms. All of these strategies are revolutionary, not reformist. 

Many intellectuals know that Marxist theorists didn’t explicitly write down in textbooks what economic models the Communist and Socialist systems should have. In fact, these textbooks don’t even talk about the kind of government Communism should have and whether you can reach equality and democracy via this system. 

For example, China and Vietnam have market economies and a Socialist State, they are also Cuba’s allies. Therefore, the Cuban Government could bring over economic advisors from these countries to give conferences at Havana University or the Ñico Lopez School of the Communist Party, about how to reform the Cuban economy. However, none of this has been done.

The Cuban Government continues to experiment on the Cuban population. People here are lab rats. The only thing they’ve tried to do is to create an illusion of progress, because it’s an elitist, conservative and backward system that has no tolerance for criticism and improving doctrines of the masters that came before them.

The Government has crushed every kind of threat to their power, they founded a single political party, have ordered the disappearance of opposition members within their government, etc. Furthermore, they made the working class worship the one-party State and they are monitored and kept under constant control from above.

Read more from Cuba here on Havana Times.

3 thoughts on “Reforms Are the Solution in Cuba, Not the Revolution

  • Stephen:

    You state: “The chance to work with Europe Mexico and Canada is the only way to save Cuba.”

    Perhaps Mexico and Europe, specifically Spain, working with Cuba may provide a modicum of relief if Cuba can be reliable enough to pay off its monetary liabilities. But Canada? I don’t think so. Why?

    Canada has so many political, economic, financial problems that it is one country that certainly cannot “. . . save Cuba”. Not only can Canada not save Cuba but it cannot even be seen as making any covert attempt at such a gesture.

    Canada’s economic survival is dependent on United States trade. Roughly 80% of our exports go to the U.S. Our military defence is totally dependent on the U.S. Without U.S. air defence and navel protection from the Americans our borders are so pores and easily penetrable that Russia and China are very aware of Canada’s vulnerability.

    What is the point here in relation to Cuba, and specifically Canada’s seemingly inability to help.

    If Canada overtly provides economic aid to Cuba the American government will be exceedingly angry and will definitely seek retribution more often than not in an economically damaging way. Canada cannot afford that.

    Another reason is whether it is a Liberal government in power and certainly a potential Conservative government neither wants to be seen providing aid to a totalitarian communist government. Canada and Russia because of the Ukrainian war are for all intents and purposes: Enemies.

    On the other hand, Russia and Cuba are ideological bosom buddies. Any Canadian government cozying up with these two by providing economic aid to one is in essence aiding and abetting the other: an enemy. No Canadian government of any ideological stripe would risk complete alienation from the Canadian electorate and more importantly risk embarrassing political fallout with its allies.

    So, in summary from a macro perspective, Canada will never provide direct economic aid to a totalitarian communist government such as Cuba. The only way Canada could benefit Cuba is if Cuba allows free elections in the country, releases all political prisoners, and allows human freedoms to exist for all ordinary Cubans. When is that going to happen?

    Venezuela seems to be tracking in that direction as it’s totalitarian government is – at least from some news reports – allowing opposition candidates to run in the upcoming federal election. The American government, again according to reports, is loosening the economic sanctions imposed by the Trump administration.

    From a micro perspective, Canada certainly helps Cuba by sending millions of Canadian tourists to the island on an annual basis. Some, not all, bring with them suitcases filled with much needed living essentials which in essence provides economic sustenance. However this will definitely not “save” Cuba but provide an extended friendly handshake from one foreign friend to another. That is a good positive thing.

  • The best people are leaving Cuba in large numbers . Unless major reform to operations in Cuba more people will starve and do without nessarry medical supplies and safe water. The chance to work with Europe Mexico and Canada is the only way to save Cuba.

  • But the described “lab rats” are leaving the sinking ship! No need for a Pied Piper, the exodus continues!

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