Author: Dimitri Prieto-Samsonov

Guaso and Carburo

When I was a little boy, I liked the Cuban cartoon “Guaso and Carburo.” It was an animated comic strip produced in the 1970s —I think— and involved two dogs, Guaso and Carburo.

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Security Guard Proliferation in Cuba

The decision to combat workplace theft through an increase in “control” has contributed to the proliferation of security guards in all official institutions. Faced with this situation, some say that half of the work force is trying to steal while the other half is trying to prevent them.

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The Boring Government of Israel

I was inspired with a certain hope by the daring humanitarian convoy that sought to break the Israeli maritime blockade of the Gaza Strip. The activists were relying on the peaceful and philanthropic nature of their operation, despite the clarity with which the Israeli government asserted that it would not allow their landing in Gaza.

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Fencing Off Public Parks

Havana had its private clubs and beaches long before the 1959 revolution, however, for as long as I can remember, the parks have always been public. And that’s how they are today.

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Chickens, Baldness, Gays, Native Peoples & Left Destinies (Part II)

What I found more worrisome was when I heard Hugo Chavez a few days later saying that socialism had existed in Latin America before the arrival of the European conquistadors. The Venezuelan leader said native peoples had experienced a socialist system and that such a reality was frustrated by the capitalist system brought over by the settlers.

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Chickens, Baldness, Gays, Native Peoples and Left Destinies (I)

I find any generalization particularly appalling concerning the virtues and defects of groups of people based on their sexual orientation, nutritional habits or the hair density of their scalp. I believe that people are good as people in accordance with what each one of them carries in their heart, and not based on trivialities like those mentioned.

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Fidel’s New Name for US Citizens

Fidel Castro has proposed a new name for people from the USA. Listening to Fidel’s “Reflections” read recently on the noon news , the Commandant used the term “Usamerican,” an adjective derived from USA.

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The Future of a Monumental Institution (II)

I believe that the best thing that can happen to OFICODA is to turn it into the basis of a future retail trade cooperative in Cuba. That solution, in my humble opinion, would maintain fairness while instituting the democratic leadership of citizens in the self-management of such cooperatives.

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The Future of a Monumental Institution (I)

As bureaucratic offices at the grassroots level, with their time-worn tables and crumpled files, the storefronts of the OFICODA branches constitute a complete symbol of a social paradigm or model. At these facilities, various officials —usually women— are in charge of keeping a list of everyone who has permanent residency in the area.

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