Author: Dimitri Prieto-Samsonov

A New Generation of (Generous?) Sound Devices

There was a time in which “pocket” transistor radios were a novelty. People walked around holding their small radios to their ears, listening to their music of choice or a baseball game. For those who had lived in the era of vacuum-tube radios as large as a piece of household furniture, it was surprising to see how a device the size of a soapbox could perform the same functions.

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Darkness and Silence for Helen Keller, Also in Cuba

In response to the remarks of her adversaries, who pathetically tried to portray her as a defenseless, deaf and blind woman ruthlessly taken advantage of by the “reds”, Helen Keller would ironically ask them if they had ever had the opportunity to experience what “exploitation” was all about.

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Linguistic Misunderstandings in Cuba

I had met with some friends at the park in front of Havana’s main bus terminal. It was hot, and I headed down to the station to buy a bottle of pop. I asked the clerk for one the way I normally do where I live: “Could I have a “shell” of Tu-Cola, please?”

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I Support Federalization (For Cuba As Well)

That whole business of “partisans of federalization” is a politically correct phrase used by Russia’s official media to refer to activists (some of whom have formed armed contingents) currently fighting the Kiev government in eastern Ukraine.

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Cuba’s Largest Overseas Diaspora is the Least Known

Much of the data collected during Cuba’s last Population and Housing Census, conducted in 2012, has now been published. One of the questions in the census was the place of birth of those surveyed. There was a space on the questionnaire where the person’s country of origin could be registered.

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She Is One of My Readers

In this day and age, where we co-exist with an Internet that is too virtual, slow and expensive for Cuba, we have become accustomed to having readers that are, in some way, just as virtual as the web. She is one of my readers.

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Blessed Are They Who Work for Peace

The world we see in the news today is a world torn by civil conflict. I ask myself: what could someone who is professedly opposed to war and to leaving things in the hands of the powerful do in the face of all this? Can one do anything at all?

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