Author: osmel

Cuba’s Olympic Glory Dining

They say that only to participate in an Olympic Games is in itself tremendous of glory for any athlete. Winning a medal, then, must be something like sitting at the table with Olympian gods. However, for Cuban athletes there’s an equivalent privilege that few have ever experienced: the right to the “Olympic Dining Room.”

Lights, Camera, Action!

The bus stop in front of the Capitolio Building. Six o’clock in the late afternoon. A mob of people rush the door of a bus bound for Alamar. I think for a second. The day’s been bad and I don’t want to make it worse by ending up squished trying to get a ride home.

Currencies out of Whack

For a long time there has been talk of unifying the two currencies. I don’t think this will happen soon. To be honest—though it may seem like a radical thought—I do not think this will ever be done.

Eduardo’s Barbershop

Today Eduardo has spent almost 20 years cutting people’s hair. The money he earns, around 100 CUCs per month (about $110 USD), is enough to take care of himself and to maintain his sick parents.

Cuba in the Baseball World Cup

Given the way baseball is now played in the World Cup, our country’s National Baseball Commission seriously trained a team for the first time in a long time. This has raised hopes among our people, who remain dependent on that “circus” to maintain their illusions.

Poetry or Something More Concrete?

At the House of Poetry, I was listening to verses being recited by a Cuban author of some standing when suddenly I noticed a young woman sitting next to me. A “who-knows-what” diverted my attention from the reading long enough for us to exchange looks.

Running Out of Steam

Julio had a promising career in Cuba’s Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) before being relegated to the reserves due to health problems. From very early on he had participated in two internationalist missions: one in Angola and the other in Ethiopia.