Elio Delgado-Legon’s Diary

Havana University’s 290th Anniversary

Havana University currently has over 30,000 (undergraduate and postgraduate) students studying there with a staff of 2000 professors, of which nearly half have a Doctorate in Sciences and a considerable number have a Masters. It has 16 faculties, four institutes and 18 research and study centers.

Donald Trump’s Ignorance about Cuba

Donald Trump has given crystal clear displays of his obsession to reverse everything his predecessor Barack Obama did, in all fields: military, political, economic and scientific. When it comes to relations with Cuba, he has shown complete ignorance about the country’s situation, its political system and its history.

Fidel Castro, a Man Who Never Dies

Fidel Castro is a man who has been defamed and hated by the Revolution’s and socialism’s enemies, but admired and loved by every revolutionary in the world, and respected by those who, even though they aren’t revolutionaries…

I Don’t Want to Live to 120 Years Old

In Cuba, it’s no secret to anyone that the population is aging more and more as the days go by. The reasons for this are many, but there are two main ones: low birth rates, also for many different reasons, and the advances made in medicine and healthcare.

US Blockade on Cuba is a Crime against Humanity

Cuba will soon present to the UN General Assembly its resolution called “Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba”. A similar resolution has been approved 25 times before and which the US has completely ignored.