Elio Delgado-Legon’s Diary

The Cuban Revolution’s Altruism

The Cuban Revolution is about selflessness, altruism, solidarity and heroism, four fundamental characteristics that its historic leader expressed when he announced the Concept of Revolution on May 1, 2000, before hundreds of thousands of Cubans.

We Can’t be Naive in the Face of a Neoliberal Attack

When we read certain international press, which responds to US Imperialism’s interests, we can immediately sense the counter-revolutionary stench, which is disguised as progressive and even socialist a lot of the time, trying to give us the magic formula to “save Cuba from an economic disaster.”

Cuba Protects its Building Heritage

The Cuban building heritage has suffered, like all structures, the effects of the economic crisis resulting from the disappearance of the socialist camp (1991), with which Cuba maintained more than 80 percent of its trade as well as…

Future Revolutions

Over four years ago, I wrote an article which was published on Havana Times under the heading “Peaceful revolution will prevail.” I must admit that I was wrong, I underestimated Imperialism’s power…

The US Political System Is in Crisis

In the US, traditional politics and politicians are suffering a deep credibility crisis. The country to our North has put its democratic system on show to the world and has presented it as the best political system which other countries should follow.

The Martyrs of Humboldt 7

Between March 13, 1957, the day the presidential palace was attacked, and April 20th, when Fructuoso Rodriguez, Juan Pedro Carbo, Jose Machado and Joe Westbrook were murdered by the police.