Erasmo Calzadilla’s Diary

Is This a Good Time for Cubans to Invest?

Juan Triana is an intelligent analyst, bold and well educated in his field: the Cuban economy. Moreover, he is a very charismatic communicator; you enjoy reading his work. However…

Motembo, Politically Strategic Oil for Cuba

Rumors have been flying around these past few days about the discovery of good quality oil on Cuban soil. However, uncertainty at this time is great and journalism errors are multiplying every day.

Cuba: The Possible, Impossible, Desirable & Undesirable

The Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy (based in Miami) recently ended its annual event. The first subject they dealt with this year was the shortage of foreign exchange and energy in our country due to the collapse of the Venezuelan economy.

BBC Report on Cuba’s Energy Crisis Flawed

Sobre la actual situación energética y económica en Cuba se ha escrito un montón. Abundan los textos alarmistas que gozan de pintar un caos inexistente; otros -como el que tenemos en mirilla-transmiten un infundado optimismo.

The Energy Crisis in Cuba Is Not of the Moment

We’re finally being affected by it, what we saw coming on the horizon for quite some time now: being infected with Venezuela’s crisis. Our greatest trade ally and source of the majority of the oil we use has become engulfed in a major crisis.

How People in Cuba Get Sick

Today, let’s talk about morbidity rates in Cuba. Why do people get sick? How have morbidity rates changed in recent years? In order to write this post, I casually sounded out about a dozen well-informed people…

Tobacco, Patriarchy and Totalitarianism; Inseparable Friends

People who haven’t experienced “socialism” firsthand may imagine it’s a system where collective well-being takes priority over individual rights. According to this line of thought, chronic problems in these kinds of societies – such as a lack in personal freedoms – stem from excess.

Health in Cuba: The Only Viable Options?

Let us continue to go through Cuba’s 2015 Yearly Statistics Report. In this piece, we are going to compare our country’s main health indicators with those of the rest of the world.

Are Cuba’s Healthcare Resources and Services Improving?

In my previous post, we examined a number of demographic trends of importance to the country’s future. In this one, we will focus on health resources and services. How have these evolved over recent years? Let us have a look at some indicators.