Jimmy Roque’s Diary

Havana’s Ocean Drive Protests: 20 Years Later

Twenty years have passed since Cuba’s maleconazo, the demonstrations that took place down Havana’s ocean drive on August 5, 1994 – in protest of the extreme economic crisis the Cuban people were enduring at the beginning of the 1990s as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Brazil’s Poor, the World Cup and TeleSUR

I am not against having TeleSUR broadcast the World Cup, but I believe it should try to tackle the problems this sporting event has caused Brazil’s poor in a more in-depth manner. That should be its priority, for it is an issue that affects it’s raison d’etre, the dispossessed.

Too Far to Be Heard: Varadero, the other Cuba

The 6th International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual and Intersexual Association for Latin America and the Caribbean (ILGALAC) was held at Varadero’s expensive and luxurious resort in Cuba this year. I had the fortune and privilege of participating in the gathering as a member of Cuba’s Rainbow Project.

The Earth Trembles in Cuba

At the close of the recent congress of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) president Raul Castro asked Cuban workers to “shake the earth” on this year’s International Workers Day with a giant parade. As requested by the boss, the streets of the island shook on Thursday.

Cuban Doctors Abroad: On Individual Responsibility

Having worked on a previous mission abroad (ideally in Venezuela) is one of the requirements that Cuban medical doctors in Brazil’s Mas Medicos (“More Doctors”) program must meet. As such, all Cuban doctors were perfectly aware of the “protective” restrictions that apply within such programs.