Interview with Holguin, Cuba Actor Ruben Mulet
We call him the family doctor because when we have digestive issues, he’s the one kind enough to “massage” our legs, and we regain our health
We call him the family doctor because when we have digestive issues, he’s the one kind enough to “massage” our legs, and we regain our health
“For there to be real change, there must be democracy and free elections, something hat has not happened in sixty-five years.”
The artist asked the regime to generate “some changes so that the people of Cuba want to live in Cuba”
Facing the arrival of a hurricane in Havana is no joke, especially when the housing infrastructure is increasingly deteriorated.
The Nicaraguan dictatorship is not on Trump’s radar and would only enter his agenda “when there is a topic of particular interest.”
Two Nicaraguan sisters living in Valencia describe the agonizing hours that followed the storm and flooding that left 219 dead…
Opposition leader Pedro Albert who was released from prison after eleven days of protest, talks to ’14ymedio’
“My arbitrary detention exposed better than ever the corrupt dictatorship in Guatemala, something we had been trying to show for 30 years.”
Beatriz Luengo, co-author of the July 11, 2021 protest anthem and wife of Yotuel Romero, talks about the documentary with ’14ymedio’
Latino Communities in “Swing States”: Polarization, economy over immigration, and an effective anti-immigrant message.