More Cubans Are Staying in Nicaragua
“It is a Dictatorship, but Offers Opportunities”

La Prensa newspaper compiles testimonies from Cubans who prefer to stay in Nicaragua, for now, instead of heading to the United States
HAVANA TIMES – Unlike Cuba, Nicaragua is “a dictatorship that offers opportunities,” says a Cuban interviewed on the streets of Managua by the opposition newspaper La Prensa. Róger, 27 and originally from Camagüey, has decided to stay in that Central American country where he had arrived to continue along the “volcano route” to the final destination of hundreds of thousands of migrants: the United States.
The Cubans fly to Nicaragua in the first place because they do not need a visa to enter as of late 2021.
Given the high financial costs and risks of the long journey by land to the US, which can end in deportation back to the Island, the number of Cubans who decide to try their luck in a country with a regime very similar to the one they left behind is growing: without political freedom and with a socialist discourse, but where the capitalist economy gives some play.
“In the supermarket the strange thing is to go and not find a Cuban,” says Julio, a 14ymedio contributor in Managua. “In the last 15 or 20 days I have also met them at the barbershop, in line at a Subway to order, in a toy store, at the cinema, taking photos in the old center. Without a doubt, the vast majority are passing by,” he explains, although he does not rule out that many end up staying.
The La Prensa article tells several stories of Cubans who have managed to settle in Managua and set up businesses. This is the case of Róger, who, after traveling as a mule, buying merchandise in Nicaragua to resell in Cuba, decided to settle in that country.
“Nicaragua, although it is said to be in a dictatorship, is very different of my country. There are opportunities here and if you know how to take advantage of them you will do very well. The second time I came I brought my wife and we decided to stay,” says Róger.
Marina, another Cuban who landed in Managua with the idea of continuing on to the United States, also decided to stay a few days in the country after noticing that the money she was carrying was not enough to cover the route, and she began selling sweets in a market in the the capital. “My goal was the United States, but I analyzed that with the sale I was doing well and I felt comfortable in Nicaragua (…). I still feel like I am in my country, but calmer,” she asserts.
Marina also came to the conclusion that, upon arriving in the United States, it would be a long time before she would be able to see her two children, who she left in Cuba. From Nicaragua, however, she has already traveled to the Island twice to see them.
Faced with the difficulties required to gather the funds to reach the southern border of the United States or start a business, staying in Nicaragua and trying to find work and get regular status has been presented as a third option, feasible for many.
Furthermore, with the recent cancellations of flights by several airlines that flew the route from Havana to Managua, many had to pay very high prices to get a ticket and have been left without enough money to continue their trip north.
Currently, from Cuba only the Venezuelan state airline Conviasa makes direct flights to Managua. Others such as Aruba Airlines, Air Century and Sky High have canceled their flights after Washington threatened to sanction those who encourage migration through Nicaragua.
Those who arrive in the country and intend to continue towards the border must assume a stay of several days in Managua, since, in an attempt to monopolize the profits generated by the transit of migrants, the Government of Daniel Ortega has prohibited private taxi drivers from transporting Cubans and Haitians to the border with Honduras.
“Now that the State has taken control of the matter, the transfer to the border is taking a little longer; so the Cubans have to spend two or three days in Managua,” says Julio.
“That is not from now, in any case what they are doing is finishing removing the private ones, because since the exodus began the Government has been directly involved in the transfer of the migrants,” the Nicaraguan argued then, adding he was not surprised by the measure.
Being so difficult to reach the border, it is natural that many have begun to settle in Nicaragua. While some even maintain the hope of one day raising the necessary capital to continue the route. Returning to Cuba, they say, is not even an option.
The prices are crazy expensive. Often between 1,000 and 2,000 for the round trip ticket. But your friend should go to the Conviasa in Havana and see there. Since other airlines are no longer going to make the flight, Conviasa is the only one direct now. This facebook group seems to have information on the flights.
Hi, I have a Cuban friend that is in a very desperate situation, not unlike many Cubans.
He is been speaking about wanting to go to Nicaragua. Many of his friends from work have apparently gone there. Can you please tell me how much a ticket is going for from Cuba to Managua
with Conviasa.