Marabana marathon statistics
Question: We are a Travel Agency in Italy and we organized a group of 11 runners for your event. I ran the marathon Sunday the 15th of November. Please where I can find the results of Marabana?
Answer: The official website of Marabana is
The official summons and general information for Marabana is provided in Spanish, English, French, German, Italian and Russian and can be found on the main page.
Also on the main page, on the left hand side, you can click under Estadisticas (Statistics) and find a detailed listing of all finish times in all categories of the marathon. As of November 2009, results are listed from the first Marabana held in 1987 up through the latest in 2009. Choose the category you want and the appropriate page opens. You should be able to find your rating, name, nationality, age, category, time, etc.
If you click under Galería de Fotos (Photo Gallery), you will find photos covering all aspects of the event. As of November 2009, the latest photos appear to be for Marabana 2007.
i tried accessing the link posted above, but am getting only an error page. is the site temporarily down? is there any other place where the statistics can be found?
i’d be very thankful for further information!