Should Potatoes in Cuba be Rationed Once Again?
Dmitri Prieto Samsónov

HAVANA TIMES — I try to avoid and evade the lines of people waiting to buy potatoes. The tuber arrives this time of year, during Lent, accompanied by people’s undying potential for standing in line and starting fights with one another, in defiance of all remotely Christian feelings.
Trucks arriving from the countryside, loaded with sacks of earth-covered root vegetables, park by the produce markets and begin to unload their crates, as the news spreads by word of mouth and people begin to arrive, taking up their places, in a mathematically probable but always dubious line (for the queue thickens as it grows outward and decibel levels rise and rise). Bicycle taxis arrive and leave with a trail of complaints behind them, the desperate throats growl, gloom and tension builds up, onlookers hoard potatoes to re-sell them and general frustration swells.
In Cuba, potatoes spell a genuine disaster.
When Cuba exported potatoes to the Soviet Union on a seasonal basis, people recognized the tuber by its reddish color. Today, the Soviet Union no longer exists, red isn’t a very common color and potatoes are becoming extinct.
Last year, I had a couple enjoyable meals with potatoes, which I had bought from a re-seller at a good price. I don’t know what will happen this year. I work and I’m sincerely put off and depressed by having to waste time standing in the endless potato line.
Before, one received potato quotas through the ration booklet.
Later, these rations were “removed” as part of the updating of the economic model and in response to new commercial opportunities.
Today, potatoes are hard to come by, and those who sell these legally dispense a mere 10 pounds per person (at least where I live).
In my opinion, if the government wanted to implement a popular measure, so as to demonstrate they are once again on the side of the humble, such a measure could well be to reinstate potato rations.
They wouldn’t even need to lower prices, only ration it, include it in the ration booklet again – 5 or 10 pounds a month, at 1 peso the pound, which is the official price.
This way, the vast majority would be able to enjoy the tuber without having to stand in line for so long, as getting one’s hands on it would at least be guaranteed (or almost so – today, it happens that chicken quotas are sometimes not enough to go around, but brawls over rationed chicken are not as violently aggressive as those over potatoes sold at markets).
We would then probably see opportunists frightening people by saying that, if potatoes were rationed, people would re-sell them at a higher price to make money.

But aren’t potatoes being re-sold today anyways? Don’t these people realize that it wouldn’t be enough to go around anyways? Or that, if someone found it necessary to re-sell their 10-pound potato ration, it’s because that person is extremely underprivileged and that would become yet another of the miserable opportunities people have to survive nowadays?
Supposing this improbable suspicion turned out to be true, if people re-sold the potato rations they got through the ration booklet, wouldn’t such re-selling lead to a more equitable distribution of benefits, favorable to the vast majority, which would have access to their basic dose of potatoes, than the one that stems from today’s re-selling? I know such arguments stink.
They stink just as much as the argument that potatoes cannot be rationed because that would run contrary to the logic of the reform process, the elimination of subsidies, the market economy and other items of idle chatter coming from the Cuban brand of neo-liberal academism looming over us. Any reasonable person understands that, in a truly “prosperous and sustainable” society, there must be enough potatoes for everyone and that these must be sold at a good a price.
As I see it, Cuba’s farm produce distribution system (which includes wholesale markets, agricultural and livestock markets and grocery and ration locales, where the ration booklet is used to obtain goods) must become a cooperative of consumers.
But they have opted for a different “solution”: to rely on cooperatives made up of partners who operate large markets where produce tends to concentrate, State hoarders and private intermediaries.
In an economy with scarce products, such measures only make things more unbalanced, for state control is of necessity ineffective and iniquitous, and, when you add a bit of capitalism to it, it becomes even more wicked. Only a democratic impulse from “below” can lead to the equitable redistribution of “market” products – all kinds of products, including potatoes.
Some food for thought, John.
I assume you understand Spanish.
Source: “En Cuba existe el riesgo de que se mezcle lo peor del socialismo y del capitalismo” – –
Again another example of how callous the Castro dictatorship is.
What is clear is that Havana will always be prioritized in the supply of foodstuffs, while Oriente will always be last to get food.
An interesting article on why potatoes are not available in various provinces: by decision of the regime.
Potatoes are only avilable in: Havana, Mayabeque, Artemisa, Ciego de Ávila, Cienfuegos and Matanzas
Source: Decisión gubernamental deja sin papa a varias provincias cubanas | Café Fuerte –
You really are missing the point, John. In Cuba, potatoes are rationed and in short supply precisely because of the socialist system. So long as the socialist system persists, there will be no surplus to sell on the market.
If the government opened up the agricultural sector to free enterprise, there would be an abundance of potatoes and other produce as affordable prices, as well as meat & milk.
I agree with you. Anyone who can’t see that a system that can’t grow enough potatoes to meet demand is a failed system deserves to live under that system. The post writer, Dmitri, actually prefers rationing! When has rationing EVER been the solution? Here’s an idea: GROW MORE POTATOES.
In Cuba the “essentials” of life are already distributed “socialist” style: the elite gets everything they want and the people nothing.
50+ years of “socialist” agriculture has left Cuba in a deep crisis. “Socialist” means of production ensured that Cuba has to import 70-80% of the food it consumes while about 50% of arable land is not being used. “Socialist” rule in Cuba resulted in a near mono-culture of sugar.
The pernicious effects of “socialism” as seen in all so-called “socialist” countries is rationing, scarcity and hunger.
Dimitri: be glad you are in Havana. You may have to stand in line and pay a high price, but in Santiago people haven’t seen potatoes in three years.
Potatoes should no be rationed. Production – and import- should be stimulated by giving the Cuban farmers more freedom to produce. Rationing just means farmers will have to sell the few potatoes they have at low prices to the regime. That will decrease production rather than increase it.
Potatoes rationed in Cuba, and available only once a year to boot? …what else need be said. Sign me up!
Cuba should retain its socialist-style means of distributing the essentials of life to all at an affordable price .
After that any surplus should be allowed to float at the price determined by supply and demand ……..providing that it does no harm to part one.
Any step towards a free-enterprise form of capitalism is a step down a slippery slope to all the societal problems inherent in a greed-based system and must be carefully considered and all the steps necessary to reverse any such problematic step should also be in place when said capitalist reform is initiated.
The pernicious evils of capitalism ; their negative effects on the planet’s societies cannot be understated and should not be underestimated.
Marx and Fidel are correct on at least this point.