Cuban People Back New Constitution
Elio Delgado Legon

HAVANA TIMES – “I want the fundamental law of our republic to be the tribute of Cubans to the full dignity of man.” This premise was the longing of our Jose Marti, the Apostle of Cuban Independence, which was used to write the new Constitution.
There was a huge turnout and the Cuban people approved the new Constitution on February 24th, a historic date as it marks the continuation of the independence struggles, with the war that Marti himself organized.
Voters went to polling stations at schools jubilant, as if it were a national holiday, voting for their Carta Magna, the foundation of our laws. From the very preamble, it makes it explicitly clear that this is the work of every Cuban “inspired by the heroism and patriotism of every Cuban who fought for a free, independent, sovereign, democratic Homeland of social justice and human solidarity, forged with the sacrifice of our predecessors.”
“Guided by the most progressive revolutionary, anti-Imperialist and Marxist thought in Cuba, Latin America and worldwide, especially by Marti and Fidel’s ideas and example, as well as the ideas of social emancipation by Marx, Engels and Lenin; supported by Proletarian internationalism, and fraternal alliances, aid, cooperation and solidarity between all nations in the world, especially those in Latin America and the Caribbean.”
The new Constitution voted in with 86.85% of the votes, is the product of the entire population’s reflections, who gave their opinions during a popular consultation phase, which ultimately led to 60% of the original draft being amended by the Constitutional Committee, and was then finally backed by a 84.41% turnout of the electoral register. Only 9% of voters voted NO, which also includes the fact that there are religious groups who ban their members from taking part in any political issue.
The result of this election has been a modern Constitution, which sets out every Cuban citizen’s rights and duties, as well as those of State institutions.
Before the referendum, people who were criticizing everything, who wanted Imperialism to come and get its claws into our country and shred our sovereignty to pieces, were already saying that the government would rig the election and give a false result because, according to them, a survey revealed that a very high number of Cubans would vote NO in this referendum.
Of course, this is a survey that was invented for them to be able to voice opinions that defame the Cuban Revolution and its leaders, accusing them of being liars, when they have never been able to argue (with proof) that a revolutionary leader has every lied, as this is a principle that the Revolution has always upheld from the very beginning: “never lie, or violate ethical principles.”
It’s impossible to rig an election in Cuba, because it would not only be a violation of ethics, but every election is a transparent process which the people take part in as witnesses of election results.
The Cuban people not only approved the new Constitution in this referendum by voting YES, they also approved the continuity of the Socialist Revolution and the irreversible nature of this government.
As Article 5 of the Constitution reflects, the people also approved of “The Communist Party of Cuba, as the only party, Martiano, Fidelista and Marxist-Leninist, the organized vanguard of the Cuban nation, sustained by its democratic nature and permanent ties with the people, is the superior leading force of society and the State.”