The Future of the Peoples of the Americas Futures Is in Danger
Elio Delgado Legon

HAVANA TIMES — In recent years, a bright future could finally be seen on the horizon for people in the Americas, with leftist governments coming into power in some countries and truly revolutionary ones in others, those who have introduced irrefutable improvements for the poorest and have been examples of just how much can be done for the people.
In Argentina, there were the progressive governments of Nestor Kirchner and Cristina Fernandez who took this rich country out of the economic disaster that former neoliberal govenments had run it into. In Brazil, something similar happened with Luis Inacio Lula Da Silva and Dilma Rousseff’s governments, just to give you two examples.
However, the reactionary Right and Imperialism haven’t sat down with their arms crossed, they attacked with all of the power money and the media they own have and they managed to put neoliberalism back in power in Argentina, the same system that had sunk the country into crisis beforehand, although this time with new faces. The result of this on the Argentinian people can be clearly seen. I don’t think I need to go into detail about just how disastrous Mauricio Macri’s government has been.
In other countries, the so-called “soft coup” has been used, which involves using all of the abovementioned power to win a right-wing majority in Congress and then to accuse the uncomfortable president of any crime, even though there isn’t any proof, and then get rid of him or her. That’s what happened in Paraguay with Fernando Lugo and in Brazil with Dilma. In the case of Honduras, it was even more scandalous, as the president was kidnapped in the middle of the night and taken out of the country.
In all of these cases, the consequences for the people have been more hunger, greater unemployment, greater violations of their Human Rights.
Then we have the countries with revolutionary governments such as Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Cuba and Venezuela. Many different methods have been used against them to try and subvert the established order, but they have failed.
In the case of Cuba, we have suffered the economic, trade and financial blockade for almost 60 years, which has been met by the Cuban people’s stoic resistance, who they have tried to make surrender using hunger and disease. President Barack Obama himself recognized the fact that this policy had failed and that it needed to be changed. Some day, reason will win out, and we Cubans will patiently wait for this day to come. Meanwhile, Cuba is an example of resistance and patriotism and it receives the admiration and respect of the entire world.
Venezuela deserves a separate analysis, that’s why I’ve left it to the end. The government has tried to lead a peaceful revolution and it has made great breakthroughs which benefit the people, such as eliminating illiteracy, providing free healthcare to every citizen, building millions of dignified homes for the poor, as well as placing a focus on culture and sports, just to name the most important achievements.
However, this Bolivarian government makes Imperialism and the national oligarchy very uncomfortable, and the opposition haven’t resigned themselves to waiting for the next general elections, to see whether they win them fair and square. It has brought out their true terrorist and fascist nature to provoke a coup or foreign intervention.
The insolent interference from the OAS Secretary General has failed and the only thing they have left in their pocket is to resort to terrorism, murders and a coup d’etat. What future awaits the Venezuelan people if these backward forces take power in this country? It isn’t hard to imagine.
Fascism still lives, it gains new life like weeds who serve the most sinister interests and threatens the future of peoples in the Americas, who need to be on the alert, as they are in more and more danger everyday.
Please re-read and note Nick that I did not dismiss Elio’s points as invalid. That is you personal interpretation.
Interesting emagicmtman that you raise (not raze) North Korea, Pyongyang and the Korean war. There is an interesting economic comparison between the consequences of communism and capitalism in the Korean peninsula since 1953.
North Korea GDP per capita: $590
South Korea GDP per capita $20,760
Cuba as you probably know, is somewhat coy about providing economic statistics.
As for England, it appears that somewhat optimistically the ‘Brexiteers’ are anticipating a return to the time of Shakespeare – especially if the Marxist Jeremy Corbyn eventually becomes Prime Minister. Nick no doubt would like that!
“Obama mentioned why Lincoln, FDR, etc” I beg to differ. Not even in the same ball park. As far as Trump, will see what transpires in the next 3 1/2 years. Only time will tell on both counts.
I guess that my being correct is difficult for you to accept CErmle. I have noted over time how you actually contribute NOTHING to discussion in Havana Times, restricting yourself to criticism of others. Is that a reflection of lack of knowledge about Cuba, or inability to be constructive?
The South American left has been more corruption than socialist. Venezuela is a special case of how socialism destroys lives. A once proud and wealthy country has been destroyed by incompetence, corruption and socialist nonsense policies. The good is that the people will think twice before giving these swine control of their lives again.
Any fair reading of history would recognize the failure of the left in South America. These regimes where big on corruption, small on value.
Hey CErmie,
Appreciate your comment.
Neo-liberalist capitalism, as pointed out by Elio in his article, has indeed largely failed.
This type of system was consigned to the garbage can of history decades ago only to gradually creep back and then produce the global recession of 08/09.
Speaking of failure…..
Mr MacD has a failed argument so his fallback is to dish out cheap little ol’ insults to those who disagree with him.
But I definitely won’t be fretting over it…….
For me it just further illustrates the failure of his argument.
Don’t fret, my friend, Carlyle is just doing his thing. His ideology is deeply rooted in failed capitalism. He appears to be trying to please his handlers more and more, but most of us are on to him.
Carlyle, once again you have made your capitalist handlers soo proud of you.
I’m afraid you have been caught out again.
As usual when challenged, you resort to unpleasant little insults.
This style does not reflect well on you and succeeds only in making your views look ever more absurdist.
Your Star Wars style good versus evil world view is too narrow for me. I have no wish to restrict my understanding of the world by adopting such fundamentalist viewpoints.
And it is plainly obvious for all to see that you entirely defeat your own arguments by repeatedly describing Cuba’s system as evil and then choosing to live a nice, safe, comfortable little life there.
You present a losing argument Mr MacD and your response to this being made apparent is somewhat low.
“So I ask critics to forgive Elio’s obvious errors and understand that he honestly believes that which he writes.”
“the ability to understand and share the feelings of another”
Don’t endeavor Nick to try to say that I suggested that Elio has no right to express his opinions – to do so is to lie deliberately.
I note with interest that you did not address the comments I made. Still sitting on your self appointed righteous fence ?- your bum must ache!
You do not challenge the substance of Elio’s points regarding the blight of neo-liberalism. Instead you dismiss his points as in-valid due to his living ‘under censorship’.
If you regard this as ’empathy’ then perhaps you need to have a look at a dictionary.
Where I come from dismissing all of someone’s views as inherently in-valid due to where they are from and saying they have no right to express an opinion means pretty much the same thing.
Where did I state that Elio has no right to express opinions? I support freedom of expression including your own, and Havana Times presents Elio with an opportunity that he and his fellow Cuban citizens are denied within Cuba due to the total control and censorship of the Castro regime.
I expressed empathy, but that obviously is beyond your comprehension Nick.
When reading Mr MacD’s comments readers should understand that he has no idea when it comes to providing any kind of reasoned response to Elio’s article.
Therefore he can only resort to saying that Elio has no right to express an opinion due to being a victim of censorship.
Such a wonderfully comic example of irony.
When reading Elio Delgado Legon’s articles, readers should understand that he has lived most of his life under the restrictions of information imposed by the Castro Communist regime. Elio has never experienced having open access to information but has lived under censorship. When he writes for example about Venezuela, he describes that which the regime operated TV stations and Granma the official organ of the Communist Party of Cuba have told him. Elio is a wonderful example of the consequences of indoctrination.
Readers will note that Elio towards the end of his article says: “Fascism still lives”. It is no coincidence that the Minister of Culture Prieto, similarly spoke twice of fascism when praising Nicholas Maduro this week. Like parrots, the faithful repeat each other – “fascism” is now the danger replacing “neoliberalism” as the main threat to their long promised communist “socialismo” paradise.
I hope that this explanation enables others to excuse Elio for his all too apparent ignorance of the outside world, especially that where freedom and liberty rule rather than repression. If it were not so sad, Elio’s writing of human rights would be almost humorous for he has no experience of living where such rights are in operation having lived all his adult life under dictatorship, initially that of Batista and later that of the two Castro brothers. So I ask critics to forgive Elio’s obvious errors and understand that he honestly believes that which he writes.
Elio is absolutely correct to point out that ‘neoliberalism’, as it has come to be known, has always been a blight on the continent of America.
There have been various struggles and movements against this ‘neoliberalism’ including historically and more recently in the USA.
Many ‘neoliberalists’ in the USA would prefer to accept opinions suggesting that the world was invented by some big old dude in the sky 4000 years ago than accept the fact that internal struggles against the neoliberalist orthodoxy ever even existed in their beloved land.
Regarding Elio’s constant non-critical defence of Cuba’s post revolutionary government, I would have to take issue……….
But I would wholeheartedly agree with his comments about US inspired, orchestrated and funded soft coups (different to the far uglier historical US policies) in the region.
I would also concur with Elio when he recognises the creditable efforts of President Obama to turn the page. Although imperfect as Presidents and all human beings are, President Obama will in years to come, be mentioned with Lincoln, FDR etc (ie: folks worthy of the massive responsibility of office).
However, when one turns a page, one hopes for something better.
Regarding the continent of America, the current page (the one with trump on it) is a black page.
Anyone of any reason would surely hope that the page gets turned again ASAP.
Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, Honduras and Venezuela especially have been hurt by each leftist government you praise. Nobody in their right mind can support them.