Venezuela Deserves Respect
Elio Delgado Legon

HAVANA TIMES – Every country deserves respect, although there are some who don’t have any self-respect or respect for others and attack them or declare war, not caring how many innocent people might die as a result.
They all deserve respect, but countries who have decided to take up their Founding Fathers’ ideas and finish off what they fought for and had to leave incomplete, deserve even more still.
Two hundred years after our America gained its independence, the birthplace of Liberator Simon Bolivar, Venezuela, decided to move ahead with the project that the Independence hero could not bring to fruition, and this has annoyed those who wanted to appropriate this great country’s wealth for themselves.
The US government is taking measures which clearly forebode an armed attack against the Bolivarian nation, casting aside the UN Charter, which stipulates respect and non-interference in national matters.
They previously subjected Venezuela to an economic and media war, making the world see that this rich country is suffering a humanitarian crisis. They have tried to turn up the heat on Venezuela’s economic crisis and they have even stolen, yes, stolen (because there’s no other word to describe it), over 350 billion USD that the country had in assets abroad, including the CITGO company, which owns several oil refineries in the US and a vast network of gas stations.
Seizing Venezuela’s assets outside of its national borders is an international crime that needs to be punished. If it isn’t, then why do international laws exist, as well as the International Court of Justice? However, it seems that people who believe that they are the owners of this world, only know the law of survival of the fittest. They are stronger military powers, but when people decide to fight for their freedom and their rights, they are invincible. Remember Vietnam.
On Monday Feb. 18th, President Trump gave a speech at the University of Florida and attacked Venezuela, urging the Venezuelan Armed Forces to no longer obey President Nicolas Maduro’s orders and let the US army in under the pretext of providing humanitarian aid. However, he made it very clear in this same speech that his objective is to do away with socialism, especially in Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua. He didn’t say how, but he said that all the cards were on the table, including military intervention.

The Cuban government issued a statement under the headline: The Imperialist military adventure in Venezuela needs to stopped urgently. Here are two fragments:
“Political channels of communication and the media, including the US’ own, have revealed that extremist figures in this government, with a vast background in actions and lies directed at causing or encouraging wars, such as the US National Security Adviser John Bolton, the Head of Western Hemisphere Affairs at the National Security Council, Mauricio Claver-Carone, with the participation of Florida’s Senator, Marco Rubio, have designed, found funding and directly organized, in detail, the coup attempt in Venezuela via the illegal self-proclamation of “president-interim” Guaido.
“They have been putting brutal pressure on a number of governments, directly or via the Department of State, to forcefully get their support for the arbitrary call for new presidential elections in Venezuela, while they continue to encourage recognition for the usurper who only had 97,000 votes as a member of parliament, compared to the over 6 million Venezuelans who reelected Constitutional President Nicolas Maduro Moros last May.”
The statement also says:
“History will harshly criticize a new Imperialist coup in the region and the complicity of those who irresponsably stand by it.
“The sovereignty and dignity of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as Southern nations, is being decided today in Venezuela. The survival of International Law and the UN Charter is also being decided. The legitimacy of a government that comes from the explicit and sovereign will of its own people or one recognized by foreign powers is also being defined.”
Two US journalists, who have been in Venezuela recently, have spoken out on TV and said that there isn’t a humanitarian crisis in this country. It’s obvious that most of the Venezuelan people support their president, who was sworn in with 76% of the vote in elections that had many international witnesses who declared that it was a transparent process.
In the face of the seriousness of these events and the danger in our America of a similar situation being created that led to Vietnam, we have to call on all those of good will in this world to stand up to defend peace in the region, under the principle that Venezuela deserves respect.
This article is pure and simple Cuban Propaganda. More of the same! The truth is that Cuba invaded Venezuela since Chavez was in power and they won’t let go that big fat wallet so easily.
Cuba is like mother Russia. The U.S. are always trying Sabotaging Cuba , by the Trump and imperialists. But Cuba knows the tranny and TRICKERY of the North Nation…
Trump is not a good president he is as told by official and people that know him a sneak and a creap, a Big Liar, abuser, and seems to try to bully other natons that he can’t tell them what to do…
I have often considered the same thing. However, when Elio writes about his childhood or pre-Castro revolution Cuba, his musings seem authentic. I also don’t believe that Circles Robinson could be so easily fooled. Nonetheless, Elio NEVER responds to comments and seems completely detached from reality in most of what he writes. Sounds like the work of the Ministry of Information to me….
Elio Delgado Legon doesn’t even exist it’s the communist propaganda department with a fake name.
Russians teach them, just like the tyranny they developed in Cuba.
Please explain this from your article:
They have tried to turn up the heat on Venezuela’s economic crisis and they have even stolen, yes, stolen …, over 350 billion USD that the country had in assets abroad, including the CITGO company….
I have not been able to find supporting evidence.
The invasion was of Iraq was military success by all measures. Keeping the peace after the military victory is clearly the problem. By the way, however you measure the results of the US action in Iraq, it certainly worked out better for then-president Bush than it did for Saddam Hussein. Maduro should keep that in mind.
It’s no secret that most Venezuelans are opposed to Maduro. However, most don’t trust Guaido and the opposition either. Why should they when Guaidó aligns himself with the right wing fascists like Elliot Abrams, Marco Rubio, John Bolton and all the other lunatics in the Trump Administration who are involved in the Venezuelan crisis.
If they invade Venezuela they will get blood, not oil. Remember Iraq. “They will welcome us with flowers and candy.” I must have missed these gifted offerings the noble superheroes.
But I have read they got 6 trillion dollars of waste, blood and more (including PTSD and veteran suicide back home) . . . and yes they cut and run – in the middle of the night.