On Growing Up and Parent Fears in Cuba
Mercedes Gonzales Aguade

HAVANA TIMES — Now that classes have started, my one, dear son reproached me for the few times we went out during the summer break. He’s right, but I tried to explain to him that going out is a luxury these days, that one has to content oneself with going to the beach, the occasional amusement park, etc.
My son, however, is now a teenager, and what he wants is to party and have fun – the same things I wanted at his age.
I still don’t let my baby go out to discos. I’m worried, because the streets are getting rougher every day. It’s a very stressful situation. I try to postpone the inevitable, but I know I won’t be able to do so for much longer. He’s already old enough to do it and most of his friends are already doing it.
I go as far as using a bit of emotional blackmail: I remind him of my limitations, my disability, and tell him his demands stress me and affect my health. This is not exactly a lie, but I know I have to get past all that and let him go out.
It will be another stage in life, full of new challenges, fears and shocks I will have to face. I hope I measure up to them.
Well well well, Mrs.Mercedes one day your baby bird will fly off the nest, you can make him strong enough to glide in stroke wing or risk of falling because he never tried it before. Which one is more dangerous?
My Dad who used to be a jetpilot always told me that first thing you need to learn, is what to do when the plane is crashing, as a pilot…