One Fine Morning on Holiday

By Nike

HAVANA TIMES – I woke up early that day of my vacation and went to meet my sister to go to the beach.

I walked past the bakery, there was an extremely long line like there is every day; I carried on walking and saw two young men sitting on the sidewalk, having rum for breakfast and it’s only 8:30 AM.

I picked up my sister to go to the beach and we carried on walking, running into a barrow-man who is a man who sells root vegetables in his wheelbarrow and a woman who was arguing with him because the cassava was so expensive. She told him that it’s too expensive at 20 pesos per pound, that she needs to eat root vegetables and she even cursed at him, but the seller didn’t pay any attention to her, playing deaf.

We got to the beach; it was a beautiful day. we saw a woman bathing, but as soon as she saw us she got out of the water and very hot and bothered said: “there goes my morning” and points out a man who has just come to the beach with his dog. She said that he came to rascabucharnos, that is to say watch us to pleasure himself. She told us he’s a bit strange and that she was enjoying herself but that she’ll have to leave now that he’s here.

She told us that one day, she was swimming with her friends and a man came to harass them. She threw a rock at him, hitting him in his chest and he fell to the ground, she thought she’d killed him. She immediately reconsidered what she just told us and said: “but I didn’t kill him, he got onto his bike soon after and left… Although I wouldn’t have minded killing the shameless man.” 

We couldn’t see anything strange about the man with the dog, but she’d swayed our minds and we began to move elsewhere. She picked up all her things and left, but she sat somewhere where she could still see us, and we could see her.

I realized that the man wasn’t doing anything wrong and was just giving his dog a good bath, so we decided to stay and when we were ready to go into the water, we saw the woman coming back and she vents at us, asking us why we didn’t tell her that we were going to stay, that she thought we were leaving the beach and that we’d ruined her day and now she really did have to leave.

We’ve all lost our marbles in this country.

Read more from Nike’s diary here.


I was born in Havana, Cuba. All my life I have had the sea as a landscape. I like being close to it, feeling its breeze, its smell, as well as swimming and enjoying the wonders it gives us. Thanks to the manual skill that I inherited from my parents, I have been able to live off crafts. I work primarily papier-mâché, making puppets for children. I write for Havana Times for the possibility of sharing with the world the life of my country and my people.