Drones of Freedom for Venezuela

Illustration by Onai

By Onaí

HAVANA TIMES – Nicolás Maduro has forgotten his true functions as president of Venezuela. Although he has never effectively led the government, for some time now his behavior has been more akin to that of an influencer. His way of dressing has changed, neglecting to maintain appearances, and he flaunts ostentation with his clothing and accessories.

Also, for some time now, he has been spending public funds on light shows with drones. One sits quietly in the middle of a blackout and suddenly notices that the sky lights up. At first, one might think that extraterrestrials have arrived to invade us. But then a flying mustache appears, a large fist trying to resemble Superman’s.

And one believes that it’s Superman himself coming to restore our electricity. But no, even though it flies and has a splendid red cape, it is not the American superhero. It’s just Maduro, playing with his drones, spreading his repugnant image across the sky.

However, Venezuelans are active these days. The air is filled with the longing for freedom.

We hope that very soon those ridiculous drones will stop displaying Maduro’s propaganda and instead show the word that everyone longs for.

Read more from the diary of Onai here on Havana Times.