Unveiling the Soul in a Spiritual Retreat

HAVANA TIMES – Whenever I heard about a spiritual retreat, the same idyllic image always came to mind: a person, in a Zen position, with background music included, meditating alone in the middle of nature.
The spiritual retreats of my Christian community here in Curitiba have grounded my understanding of that notion. Since the church is the body of Christ, and made up of people, not temples or religious officials, what sense would it make for an evangelical to retreat in solitude?
During my most recent spiritual retreat last weekend, we shared an experience that, for me, was a defining moment. While there were also moments of devotion and solitude, the main purpose of gathering all, or most, of us in one place was fellowship.
The retreat is a kind of catalyst for relationships. What doesn’t happen during the two or three weekly hours of meetings takes place in the intense interaction of many people and various activities.
In some way, our human weaknesses, those we are called to correct, emerge; they are brought to light, and we must learn to overcome them.
For example, an unfortunate accident, as embarrassing as it was unexpected for me, brought up how shyness can become my enemy. “You have to fight that shyness,” my wife rightly advised.
Accepting our mistakes in a group can be one of the biggest challenges because we are selfish and proud by nature.
Acknowledging that we could be wrong, even when our logic tells us otherwise, and incorporating that practice into our lives to the point where it becomes an attitude, is a path toward maturity.

Our retreats also include preaching, praise, leisure activities, and spiritual exercises like forgiveness and reconciliation. They are something much more powerful than Sunday church services or weekly meetings.
Personally, I leave feeling renewed from worldly passions, stress, and the negative emotions that life in society provokes. Want some advice? Treat yourself to a retreat one of these days.