I Caught COVID-19
By Rosa Martinez
HAVANA TIMES – For a year and a half, my family has done everything it possibly could not to become infected with the new Coronavirus that reached Cuba in March 2020.
Some measures were easier to comply with than others. However, in a country like ours: with great shortages, where ecommerce is still a pipe-dream, where wages still aren’t enough to cover basic needs, everyone will agree when I say it’s hard to really isolate yourself.
As I was the person to expose themselves the most, going outside, I was the first one to become infected in our household. But we realized, after analyzing the events, that I didn’t exactly catch the damned virus waiting in a line, but in our neighborhood, from some friends.
The thing is I got sick and I unfortunately got sick during the worst spike in infections and deaths in my province.
When I began to experience the first symptoms of COVID-19, Guantanamo was going through its worst time in its rough battle with SARS-CoV-19, over these past 18 months. I’ll tell you about the complications I suffered and my experiences at an isolation center in another post…
Wishing you a full and fast recovery, Rosa!
One has much admired Rosa Martinez in the past. To learn that she contracted Covid 19 is disturbing, but she presumably has survived the worst period. That determination that she has illustrated in past contributions, is again evident. As she explains, in Cuba avoiding close contact with others is difficult, especially for a mother as there is a need to find sufficient food. Those two daughters of whom she is so proud, are indeed fortunate in having such a mother. Hold your head high Rosa and best wishes for a good recovery.