Nostalgia for Russian Cartoons
Por Safie M. Gonzalez

HAVANA TIMES – Despite being over 30 years old, I have always loved cartoons. When I was a little girl, I would sit in front of the TV and watch any children’s program they would broadcast on the Cubavision channel.
Back in the old days, there were only two TV channels: telerebelde and the abovementioned cubavision. Before, kids’ shows had a certain time slot; I can’t remember what time it began exactly, but it would always finish at 8 PM, ending with adventures being broadcast, whether they were national or international ones.
Many people complained about the “Russian cartoons”, but to tell you the truth, I really, really enjoyed them. I’m telling you this because, a few days ago, when looking through the famous “Package” (of audiovisual content) that helps Cubans watch some foreign shows, I came across these Russian cartoons, and I’m not lying when I tell you I almost cried out of emotion.
In the past, we children were a lot healthier, our games and ways to have fun were less violent, to put it one way. Without being an expert on the matter, far from it, I do believe that the TV kids watch today, influences their behavior and development a great deal. Almost all of the cartoons nowadays are about superheroes, Transformer robots, where swords, guns, rifles and other weapons take center stage.
I remember the cartoons of my day, with great nostalgia: Lobo y la Liebre, the brothers Lolek y Bolek, Los Musicos de Bremen, Plumita de Oro. I also enjoyed Tom and Jerry, the rabbit Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and other ones, that I haven’t seen today in a long shot.

New 3D technology has come to replace 2D animations, but it isn’t even a matter of technology, but content. The importance of instilling values, accompanied by healthy actions.
Superheroes have always been around. They were born with comics and have stuck around ever since, evolving with technology. But our children often imitate what they consume, and parents play a key role in this matter.
Many people would criticize them, but the Russian cartoons taught me great lessons. I enjoy Masha and the Bear now, a 3D cartoon show, where every episode follows the kindness and adventures of a little girl. It doesn’t need more than the protagonists to get the moral of every episode across.
Gracias, Edward. Sí, eran una de mis caricaturas preferidas. Un abrazo
Bolek y Lolek was a polish cartoon, definitely funny.
Thank you Safie