Would a US Led Invasion be Good for Venezuela?

HAVANA TIMES – I was going to tell you a little about how these days are going in which the criminal dollar has started to fall on the street while, on the other hand, the articles of first necessity continue to triple their prices in an uncontrolled way.
Do you remember the official dollar? which during all these years has been the perfect business for those close to the government (whether official or opposition), because its sale at laughable prices has just ended this week. To the surprise of those accusing the website Dollar Today for being responsible for the devaluation of the bolivar, the exchange rate has been established at more than three thousand bolivars to the dollar.
This is some 600 or 700 bolivars more than the parallel dollar rate. However, at present the economy is not the most important news of the moment and the fact is happening almost unnoticed.
Since Friday I’m a little surprised. It is rare that at this point in my life people manage to surprise me, but they have succeeded. Maybe the number of Venezuelans who are advocating for the intervention of US military forces is not really representative, but that it is positioned number one in the trends on twitter fills me with chills.
I already know that social networks, especially that one, are full of robots and people who receive payments for doing their positioning work; but I also received messages from people who, although they are not friends, at least I know and it is always surprising that someone tells you that they want a war in their country. Well, a war no, a bombing; because I do not believe that the response of the Venezuelan army would be considered war.
I wonder, can you be so desperate that you want an army to invade the country where you live? I imagine that a lot of people – who do not live in Venezuela – will offer me a hundred reasons to convince me of this despair.
I am here, more annoyed each day with this chaos and with this government and with those who say that this government stinks, but they also behave in the same way and worse. What happens with the top leaders of this government, the truth is, doesn’t interest me; all of them have demonstrated a true capacity for cynicism, selfishness and indolence towards the rest of Venezuelans. But I cannot be so irrational as to support an invasion.
By Whatsapp I received this message:
Beloved brothers and comrades of the Armed Forces, Venezuela is on the verge of an imminent invasion, it can be days or hours. President Nicolás Maduro, believes that this is a game or an exchange of diplomatic words, and is putting at risk the lives of many civilians, and military supporters who do not measure the consequences of the conflict.
This invasion is not unilateral, it is multilateral, since it has the majority approval of the democratic countries in the world, its armed wing is led mainly by the United States, joined by varios armies, representations of elite troops are already in Brazil and in Colombia from the US, Israel, Colombia, and other countries that will be integrated in the coming days as part of NATO and the UN.
We may see in the Post-invasion, the participation of the Blue Helmets, which are nothing more than military bodies in charge of creating and maintaining peace in areas of conflict, monitor and observe peaceful processes and thus provide assistance to ex-combatants in the implementation of treaties for peaceful purposes.
They act by direct mandate of the UN Security Council and are members of the armed forces and police of the member countries of the United Nations, forming a multinational force.
Brothers this is serious, this isn’t just a media invasion, or conflict of political microphones, there is already a written and approved resolution. I see that many are joking about this and not taking seriously what is being developed in so far as this invasion.
They have already approved funds for this, as happened with Iraq, with the infamous Saddam Hussein, this happened between March 20 and May 1, 2003. It was carried out by a coalition of countries, led by the United States together with the United Kingdom, Australia and Poland.
Preventive Measures to Take:
1 Secure enough food in your home for 30 days, mostly non-perishable.
2 Have a first-aid kit at home
3 Stay inside the house during armed conflict.
4 No one at war knows who is a friend or enemy
5 Don’t try and be Rambo, be conscientious and protect your family.
6 During the attack keep on the floor, if you must go to the bathroom go quickly, this will prevent a stray bullet from reaching you.
7 Do not go to visit your relatives nearby, give them this in writing, keep communication with them via phone while you can.
Apply this contingency plan and you will see the results. Do not go out to the street, stay at home, the Rambos and the Schwarzeneggers, they are only in the movies, and in the cemeteries. The Cubans, Russians and Chinese, are not going to come to the front, they are bloodsuckers, as history has shown, they are only there for the economic resources that Venezuela generated while they were passive invaders in the country.
You will see with your eyes and hear with your ears, as the Cubans will flee the country without defending them, as they have done many times. Check history. Circulate this message, it could help save many lives.
At first it seems a message addressed to members of the National Guard and other uniformed, then it seems written for civilians to try to survive a war; all mixed with apocalyptic prophecies.
I wonder if the person who wrote it is an evangelical pastor or is someone who knows the power of religious oratory in this country. What I am sure of is that they have no idea what they are talking about. Since when does locking yourself up inside your house prevent you from being hurt or killed during an armed conflict?
Those who sent me the message added: “Whatever God wants”.
So I ask, do you want a war? “We have to get rid of this government somehow.”
These people who answer me like that, I know, are not starving (literally or metaphorically). It is likely that they believe the words of this message that circulates through whatsapp. If you stay inside your house with enough food and you just get up from the floor to go to the bathroom running, everything will be fine.
They are likely to only use the internet to read strictly what they want to read and are unaware of how many deaths the US invasions have left (with the rest of their allied countries).
I want to think that it is pure ignorance that moves all those people (who are not a majority, of course) who are advocating these days for a military invasion. Ignorance must be what guides them and not that naive selfishness of believing that bombs or missiles will arrive with an ideology detector.
The country needs an urgent change of government. That change can only come through a referendum. International pressure can help this.
Those who advocate an improvement in their lives, in exchange for the blood of thousands of people, deserve the president they have until now.
I wonder why Havana Times is promoting scare-mongering.
Is it to prepare the ground for instability (invasion or not)
that makes acceptance of regime change more likely?
Whose interests does this post promote?
Totalmente en desacuerdo con la invasión
hahaha, we need Maduro to leave. But not all people with money have left Venezuela, here there are many people with a lot of money. Not only government allies. It is very difficult to maintain an honest business several years ago, but I insist: here there are many people with a lot of money. regards
All the rich Venezuelans have gone to SPAIN or COLUMBIA. It is for the best for Maduro to vacate the Presidency as he is not trusted by any Democratic Country or it’s own people. Medical aid and food is being offered now. It will be interesting to see if the container is allowed to cross over the border into Venezuela? With the average Venezuelan having lost 20 lbs. in the past year due to shortage of food being available.
No jobs, no hope, etc. Maduro needs to GO!!!
we agree! it’s good to find some sane voice around here
Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Venezuela. Regime change is an expensive and risky business. As Henry Ford once quipped “I threw a million dollars down that hole and never heard it hit bottom.”
A U.S. sponsored invasion of a sovereign nation like Venezuela will only make it worse. The people in Venezuela need to resolve their own problems by negotiation with help from the international community. Unfortunately, most Americans don’t know what it is like living and surviving in a conflict situation with the unnecessary loss of innocent lives!
Venezuela is clearly in a mess.
A US invasion would make that mess infinitely more messy.
The Liar-in Chief who currently resides in the White House suggests that President Maduro is in power due to a dodgy election. I have no way of knowing if that’s the case.
But if it is the case, trump’s comments would most surely be like Telly Savalas accusing Yul Brynner of being a bald-head.