Cañete, Chile to Hold Photography Event August 18-19

HAVANA TIMES – On August 18 and 19, Cañete will host the first version of En-Foco-Sur, the First International Meeting of Contemporary Photography of the Southern Cone in the Bio Bio Region of Chile.
The event is organized by the recently formed Cañete Photographers Association (@afc.canete) and the Municipality of Cañete (@municipalidaddecanete).
This event includes two days full of magic and love for images, including workshops and talks with renowned national photographers, student contests, projection of short films and outdoor photography exhibitions by renowned international photographers from Argentina, Brazil, and a representation of four Cuban photographers, guest country of this first meeting.
En-Foco-Sur, is the First International Meeting of Contemporary Photography in the Region, so we hope that it can be maintained over time, always trying to reflect, disseminate, manage and circulate the production and thought around Chilean and Latin American contemporary photography. Likewise, creating links with the historical and current referents, establishing bridges with the local community, achieving the sharing of love and awareness for the image.
En-Foco-Sur is an opportunity for photographers to show their work and experiences to the rural community of Chile, in addition to learning new techniques and skills from other professional photographers of our Continent, understanding that the image is a powerful tool to understand the territory and the identity of the place where we live.
Ruber Osoria, a young photographer from eastern Cuba who came to Chile in 2018 with the dream of one day being able to buy a camera and unleash his imagination. Today he brings together his compatriots in this photographic meeting. His aim is decentralizing, making visible and giving more freedom and independence to contemporary Cuban photography.

The Cuban photographers taking part are:
Yeney Ramos ( Cuba ) @yeneyramos83 con su PROYECTO SERES DE ISLA Ganador a mejor talento senior latinoamericano en el festival internacional de fotografía de Santa Marta, Colombia 2023 .
Daniel Martínez Reyes (Cuba-Usa) @daniel_ernesto_martinez
Didier Cruz ( Cuba-USA) @didiercruz_fotografia
Ruber Osoria ( Cuba-Chile ) @ruber_osoria