Gabriel Boric Wins Chilean Presidency with 56%

His opponent, the far-right lawyer José Antonio Kast, obtained 44% of the votes, one of the largest differences in a balloting.
By EFE / Confidencial
HAVANA TIMES – The young left-wing deputy Gabriel Boric, candidate of the Frente Amplio (Broad Front) coalition, won the Presidency of Chile this Sunday by obtaining 56% of the votes with 99% of the polls scrutinized.
“I will be the president of all Chileans, I will not govern only between four walls,” Boric said during a televised phone call with the outgoing president, the conservative Sebastián Piñera.
His opponent, far-right lawyer José Antonio Kast, obtained 44% of the votes, one of the largest differences in an election in Chile’s recent history.
Kast, who prevailed in the first round of November 21 with only 2 points of advantage, recognized with just over half of the polling stations reporting the victory of the former student leader, who will become the youngest Chilean president in March 2022.
“I just spoke with Gabriel Boric, and I have congratulated him on his great triumph. From today on he is the president-elect of Chile, and he deserves all our respect and constructive collaboration. Chile is always first,” Kast wrote on his Twitter account.
A 35-year-old MP and former student leader, Boric defines himself as an ecologist, feminist and regionalist and wants to expand the role of the state towards a welfare model like that of Europe.
He will be the most leftist president since the government of the overthrown Salvador Allende (1970-1973) and the first that is not part of the two great center-left and center-right blocs that shared power since the return to democracy in 1990.
Outside the hotel where the team of the virtual president-elect were meeting, university student Barbara Gomes told EFE: “I am happy because I have been in Plaza Dignidad (Dignity Square) since October 18 (the day the wave of protests broke out in 2019) and I was very afraid of the extreme right. I’m happy because democracy won.”
The same joy showed on the face of Ignacio Valdes, 34, who was headed for the celebration. “Chile has said no to fascism,” he assured EFE.

The deputy and former student leader Gabriel Boric said Sunday that he will be the president “of all Chileans,” during a televised phone call with the outgoing president, the conservative Sebastian Piñera.
“I will be the president of all Chileans, I will not govern only between four walls,” said Boric in a brief conversation.
During the call between the outgoing president and the man who will replace him, a tradition that is always carried out after the presidential elections, Piñera congratulated the candidate who will take office on March 11, 2022.
“You are going to be one of the youngest presidents in recent times and you must always know how to combine the strength and idealism of youth with experience,” he said.
“I will do my best to rise to this tremendous challenge,” said Boric, in favor of expanding the role of the State towards a welfare model with an ecologist, feminist and regionalist accent.
Despite continuous complaints on Sunday about the lack of public transport, which had raised questions about participation, more than 8 million people went to the polls, the highest number since voting was no longer mandatory in 2012, according to the last count.
Boric obtained broad support in the capital and in other urban centers such as Valparaíso, although he also managed to prevail in regions and rural areas such as Atacama, O’Higgins or Antofagasta, which he had lost in the first round.
The next president, who will take office for a period of four years, will have to heal the wounds left by the social crisis of 2019, a wave of massive protests for greater equality that left some thirty dead and put the current government and the security forces in check.
Piñera said this Sunday after Boric’s strong victory: “the main mission of a president is to contribute to uniting the country and sowing peace.”
“Gabriel Boric will be the president of all Chileans, of those who voted for him, of those who supported Jose Antonio Kast and also of those who did not vote on this day,” Piñera said in a public statement from La Moneda (government headquarters).
Olga, you mention the right to vote. Where you live the electoral process is one which was designed for a very different century but you do have a right to vote. My understanding is that the majority of Cubans in the USA with a right to vote, voted for a guy who tried to bring an end to democracy.
How absurd is that?
That’s as absurd as you saying that Dani has had some kind of influence on the rise of the far right in Europe. It’s Cubans with views like yours who vote for right wing extremists.
Just look at the far right Cubans who voted for the fascist down in Chile (according to Harold Dilla Alfonso’s article).
You may wish to think about the way in which you always blame others.
People vote for the far right. That’s their choice. They are responsible for their choice.
That’s the big democracy ideal isn’t it?
Olga – what an absurd response. You have no idea what I support or don’t support. So don’t pretend you do. Secondly, I have no influence on anyone living on my street let alone Poland or Hungary which are countries I’ve never been to.
Nick. Angry? I’m too cynical to get angry. As a matter fact it’s going to be interesting to see what Chile would become after reaching almost a first world economy and this guy now telling everyone that is a check in the mail. And yes I have been in Chile twice, love the ppl of Chile. And I respect their choice. Good luck. Like I said before I wish we Cubans have that democratic right. At least Pinochet put himself in a referendum that is something that your loved Havana Junta never will.
Olga, you are clearly a very angry person.
I’ve never actually been to Chile. Maybe I will do one day if I’m fortunate enough.
I just think that if they’re going to have one of these big old political popularity contests to decide who gets to tell people what to do, it’s preferable if the guy who has a political lineage linked to Hitler and Pinochet ends up on the losing side.
The fact that this crypto-fascistic guy loses seems to make you so angry.
I think this anger says a lot about where you are at than it does about the ins and outs of Chilean politics.
Yes Dan I’m a loser because I lost my homeland because I refused to live under a horrendous dictatorship that you support.
I hope that satisfied your sadistic pleasure.
You are a dated old selfish leftist. For people like you is the reason in the old Soviet block countries like Hungary and Poland ppl are voting for neofascists.
Such sore losers Olga and Moses
Nick and don’t forget the abstentions those who refuse to vote for a Pinochet supporter or a student leader who supported the 2019 protest where the Santiago’s subway stations were destroyed by fire set by students , subways taken every day by the working class, fired with instructions from Havana and and provided by Caracas. The Cuban dictatorship is asking 20 years in jail for young people participating in the protest of J/11 image the students in Cuba set the dollars stores on fire they probably would be in front of the shooting squad How wonderful are the capitalist democracies. Right Nick?
Awesome! Great news! The people of Chile are very lucky!
I don’t know much about the president-elect except what I have read about him over the last month. He seems to like to sound positive and makes a lot of populist but vague promises. Typical left-wing politician as far as I can tell. It will be interesting to see how he plans to relate to Cuba/Venezuela/Nicaragua axis of authoritarian regimes.
Well, the son of one Hitler’s Nazi lieutenants who fled to Chile and bred are large family of Pinochet lackeys has lost.
Can’t say I’m too disappointed about that.
The fact that 44% voted for a right wing conservative fascistic hybrid model is a bit concerning.
Huh another Venezuela or Nicaragua? the Left doesn’t give up power very easy. Wishing the people of Chile the Best. After all this was your choice. Good luck. I wish the Cubans could choose in a multi party election and send away that horrible 62 years old curse.